Coupal Markou - Commercial Real Estate, Brokerage

Single Story Multi-Tenanted Building

22,500 sqft building in North Waterloo with good quality of tenant mix, excellent on-site parking, windows and signage
Additional 4.75 acres for future development, preliminary plans for an additional 30,000 square foot addition
Sale Price: $7,500,000

Feature Sheet

500 Weber Street N, Waterloo

Peter Kruschen
Sales Representative
[email protected]
519-742-7000 ext 106

Michael Conrad
Sales Representative
[email protected]
519-742-7000 ext 105

Coupal Markou
Commercial Real Estate Inc.

150 King Street South
Waterloo, Ontario N2J 1P6
Office 519-742-7000
Fax 519-742-7070